Making Science Real

......Teaching and learning science in the real world

Lab Safety and Toxic Chemicals

How can we help students work safely with toxic chemicals? What IS a “toxic chemical” anyway?  

I taught science for about 10 years before even thinking about toxic chemicals. Then, one summer. I got an internship in the materials directorate at WPAFB. There, I learned what toxicity really is, and how the general public is mostly clueless. 

I modified their slideshow and made a set of guided notes to go with it. I’ve shown the slideshow in class and shared stories from years of working in industry and in schools. I’ve also uploaded the slides to Google Classroom (most LMS would work, I think) and handed out paper copies of the notes. Students seemed most engaged when I posted the slides as stations and let them fill in their notes at will.  Click the image to download the slideshow in PDF form that you can project, print, or upload to your LMS. The notes are a separate PDF, below. 

Here are the guided notes. No matter how I do this, it takes students 2 days. Some students prefer a paper copy (as do I) and others are fine annotating the PDF on their Chromebook using Kami. Some like to print the notes later and put the hard copy in their science binder.

And then, there’s a short quiz. I didn’t post the quiz here, but if you’d like an editable copy, please email me at [email protected]

I’d love too hear how you use this! 

2 Responses

  1. Hi, I found your site through a teacher group. I would love to use this, but your link to download the powerpoint/pdf and guided notes does not seem to work. Is there another way to access this?

    Thank you,

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