Hexagonal Thinking and a Game
There are review games, and then there are Review Games.
Test Review Strategy – Summarization in Student Learning
Once we’ve done the usual steps – sharing content and activities and labs – and are ready to ask students to show what they know, it’s time for students to do some serious processing. Enter summarization.
Collaboration: Building Collaboration Skills
I learned that I couldn’t just throw a group of kids together and tell them to ‘collaborate” and expect them to know what to do. I couldn’t just throw them an activity that’s supposed to be collaborative and expect them to know the strategies needed to make the activity work. And I certainly couldn’t just tell them what highly successful collaborative teams do and expect them to translate words into a fabulous project.
Student Collaboration: Building a Classroom Culture
I took a hot minute (read: decades) to learn to foster a culture of collaboration in my classroom. I learned the most important pieces of the puzzle pretty much by coincidence.