Making Science Real

......Teaching and learning science in the real world

Lab Safety and Toxic Chemicals

Lab Safety and Toxic Chemicals How can we help students work safely with toxic chemicals? What IS a “toxic chemical” anyway?   I taught science for about 10 years before even thinking about toxic chemicals. Then, one summer. I got an internship in the materials directorate at WPAFB. There, I learned what toxicity really is, […]

Notebooks and Binders for Student Organization

Notebooks or Binders for Student Organization Does your class start like this? ” I forgot my…..” “I can’t find my…..” *sounds of frantic paper shuffling* Are you tired of beginning every class this way?  I was, too.  Enter: The Science Notebook. What, exactly, is the Science Notebook?   A few decades ago, I started showing […]

The Scientific Method and the Dollar Tree

The Scientific Method and The Dollar Tree

You log into Facebook, and there’s THAT friend, the grammar expert. You know, that well-meaning grammar cop who is on a personal mission to correct every grammar or spelling error, ever. We love that person, and sometimes we learn from that person. Some of us may or may not recognize ourselves in that person.

I am not that person. Oh, no. I have a far more nerdy mission.

Teaching Vocabulary


Have you heard colleagues, pre-service teachers, and students use this term? Have you watched students cringe inwardly when they hear it, as they assume there will be a session of copying definitions from a textbook or Google?

Back to School Activities NOT To Do

It’s the first day of school.

You welcome students at the door and show them to their seats. You pass out books and materials, introduce yourself. You read the syllabus and get your kids motivated with an icebreaker. Right?

Nope. Not me.

Science Literacy

We all know what literacy is, right? What about literacy in science?